Comfort Zone

Hey there 👋

I love singing while I’m on my bike. Yes, I get a few weird glances from other people, but I just don’t care. Singing on my bike is fun, and for me it’s normal.

On the other hand, when I step on a stage to perform a song, that’s always hard. I don’t get weird glances here (normally), but it’s not comfortable at all.

But some part of me still wants to go on stage, even though it’s uncomfortable. This whole feeling of sweating and trembling, of doing something hard makes the whole experience much more valuable.

I don’t exactly know why, but I suppose one reason I like going on stage is that it’s a bit hard. It’s slightly outside my comfort zone and therefore much more exciting.

For someone else, the situation might be completely different – they might be super comfortable on stage but fear singing on a bike (after all, think about the weird glances!) For everyone, some things are easy that are hard for others.

Today, let’s think about how we can challenge ourself to expand our comfort zone just a bit, and experience this tiny rush of adrenaline. Here we go ✨