
Hey there 👋

There’s procrastination, and then there’s Procrastination.

The things we procrastinate are always somewhat important. And they are also always somewhat uncomfortable.

The difference between procrastination and Procrastination is their urgency.

With lower-cased-p procrastination, we are talking about things that are important but not urgent. Think about going to the dentist (it doesn’t really matter if you go next week or next month), doing sports (you can also do it tomorrow), or eating healthily (picking the chocolate bar over the apple).

Then there is capital-p Procrastination. That is the thesis you have to hand in tomorrow, or the deadline you need to urgently make until next week. It’s important AND urgent – so your procrastination gets more desperate (until it stops completely).

When people think about procrastination, they usually think capital-p. But this is missing out on an important aspect of procrastination that we all give into: (lower-case) procrastination of the important, non-urgent stuff.

Urgency reveals procrastination by itself. So when procrastination is not urgent, we have to sit down and reflect to notice.

This week, we explore procrastination in its full spectrum and ways to tackle it. Have fun!