🌱 October 2023 (Retro and Planning)

Hey there 👋

humans can maintain around 150 meaningful relationships.

Beyond this number it becomes difficult to truly connect with each person.

The number is referred to as Dunbar’s Number, which is rooted in the idea that our brains have evolved to handle a certain social complexity – something that is deeply ingrained in our history.

I’ve never counted the number of my friends (and I don’t want to), but I’m certain that I’ve connected with way more than 150 people on a deeper level throughout my life.

Which leaves me with a lot of friends.

And a lot of people who once were my friends.

The second part is a bit sad – after all, I want the deep connections to last for the rest of my life. And probably the most common reason I’m not in touch with them anymore is that the circumstances have changed and it’s now just more difficult.

But with the Internet it’s also way easier to connect with others, and even easier to reconnect.

Let's do just that and take some time today to say hi to someone you haven’t been in touch with for a while 💌