The Downfall After Success (July 2024 Retro and Planning)

There is always a period after a successful big (personal) project when your energy level drops to an absolute low.

Whenever that happens, when you put a tremendous amount of effort into something and then finish it, you fall into this kind of low-dopamine “hole” where you could sleep all day long.

While this is probably exactly what the body and mind need, it can be both pleasant and unpleasant at the same time. Pleasant, because lying in a hammock is relaxing. Unpleasant, because the mind is constantly poking itself with questions like, “Shouldn’t you be productive right now?!”

After many such situations – projects, concerts, exams, etc. – I come to realize that this low is completely normal and something we should expect. And so far, the energy and productivity has always returned. So why not enjoy the process and just relax?

Sometimes it’s hard for me to realize that in order to be productive or happy, you need periods where you’re not productive or where you're feeling down. Where you need to relax. It’s the other side of the same coin.

So next month when you complete a project of yours, give yourself some time to unwind. Let's begin with this month's Retro and Planning ✨